Here are the STATS by the end of our trip:
We drove a total of 7,841 miles we drove an average of 8.92 miles per gallon, we bought 879.99 gallons of gas and we spent a total of $3,644.83 on gas!
Lets see, with 3,644 dollars you could buy:
1 used Nissan Maxima GLE
7 dell laptops
20 Ipod nanos
123 American Eagle Jeans
925 gallons of milk
6,166 pencils
Wow. So now what? Since my trip is over i have decided to create a different blog:
That blog is for everyday randomness i really put a bunch of my thoughts on it and hope people find it interesting.
This blog i will still use, when i go on vacations or trips of any kind! Yay! So if you want to keep up with me, read my blogs!
A few last thoughts:
~so sorry for all the typos! I know there's a lot!
~i changed all the dates so the posts were on the right days, i did not travel back in time and finish writing all of these
** To read this in order, i highly recommend going to the first blog and working your way up!**
(hint: it starts with the entry; T minus: 23 Days 2 hours 9 minutes!!)