Sunday, August 24, 2008

So What Now????

Well! I finally finished posting our lovely trip! Everything is up here so read enjoy, laugh at us, or with us. Thanks for following along on this long journey i'm sure some of you enjoyed it as much as we did!!
Here are the STATS by the end of our trip:
We drove a total of 7,841 miles we drove an average of 8.92 miles per gallon, we bought 879.99 gallons of gas and we spent a total of $3,644.83 on gas!
Lets see, with 3,644 dollars you could buy:
1 used Nissan Maxima GLE
7 dell laptops
20 Ipod nanos
123 American Eagle Jeans
925 gallons of milk
6,166 pencils

Wow. So now what? Since my trip is over i have decided to create a different blog:
That blog is for everyday randomness i really put a bunch of my thoughts on it and hope people find it interesting.
This blog i will still use, when i go on vacations or trips of any kind! Yay! So if you want to keep up with me, read my blogs!

A few last thoughts:
~so sorry for all the typos! I know there's a lot!
~i changed all the dates so the posts were on the right days, i did not travel back in time and finish writing all of these

** To read this in order, i highly recommend going to the first blog and working your way up!**
(hint: it starts with the entry; T minus: 23 Days 2 hours 9 minutes!!)

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