Saturday, June 14, 2008

WE have arrived in SAN FRAN!

So friday was the 13th, my lucky day (my lucky number)!!! We went through the avenue of the giants. Saw some more beautiful trees. We "drove" through the big tree. What i mean by "drove" we parked the RV, got out, and walked through the tree. Our HOW was to fatty to fit through the dumb tree!! We also saw the "enchanted tree house" which was supposed to be this really cool gift store in a tree. But it was really a dark damp little hole in a tree with nothing in it.. it was cold... so we left. Then we drove to SAN FRAN!!! We saw some war activists sitting on motorcycles outside of a gas stations with signs telling us all abut the bad war.... That was interesting. Then we reached our cousins house. 
They live in a gorgeous house in a beautiful neighborhood. We took the tour of their house then walked down to the farm where we met, rio and mac!! Two pretty ponies!! And we also met some pigs. and a goat. and some ducks. and a chicken. and four turkeys. and peacocks. and a llama. and some mules.*  Today was much more eventful. After an amazing breakfast in more spacious kitchen that that of the HOW, we drove to the golden gate bridge. It is more beautiful than the pictures. It's pretty awesome, but Dad was disappointed because it wasn't gold... he was serious too. Then we drove to china town and spent the day wandering the city and shopping and pigging out on Chinese food!! We drove down the winding crazy Lombard Street!
 Then one of the little un's got ahold of some ciggaretts and pased em around. We got a bunch of wary glances. Don't worry, they were only bubble gum, but they looked pretty real. After we told Angela (my 5 year old cousin) that the brown part of the cigarette goes in your mouth, we had an easy time convincing people on the street that all seven of us, ages ranging from 5-16, were smoking. The comments we got were halarious. people would take a double take and mutter, that's disgusting. We were acting like total crazy people, and then we had to stop at a candy store... wooo hooo the energy level went waaay up. 
Now i am sitting up with my little cousin and she is helping me write. She really is just excited to look at the pictures, so i am about done writing. Well thanks for all the comments and thanks for reading my blog!!! I love all the feedback!!! Alright, bye!!
*the italicized sentance was edited by all the cousins.

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