Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Question of the Day

So, this isn't exactly the route we're taking, but it's pretty close.
We are covering a lot of ground here!!!! My major concern is gas... we will be the #1 cause for global warming this summer! Woo!

So today my history teacher asked us a Question of The Day. He does this often and requires us to answer 1 random question with no importance, or relevance to his class. Today the question was "You were in a plane crash, and you are stranded on a desert island. You have your Ipod with you, but you can only access 1 album of music... which would it be?" Of course my teacher knows about my RV trip and couldn't help adding a joke for my sake. So when he said "You were in a plane crash," he added, "or an RV crash." glancing slyly at me. So I've become the but of his jokes, but i don't mind, I'm actually excited about getting in the HOW and taking off into the unknown.

If you're wondering what my album was, it's Damien Rice's album 9. It's the only CD i listen to all the way through, enjoying every song and singing along.

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