Monday, May 12, 2008

This is no "Spur-of-the-Moment" Trip

This RV trip is not like:
"Oh honey i think we should take an RV around the county this summer"
"All right I'll grab the kids and the credit card and we'll leave tomorrow"
Geez..... It's insane the amount of work my parents have to put into this baby. I say my parents because i do not have to any work... i just simply pack my clothes in my bucket and get on the HOW a few days from now.

Our Packing project above takes up our entire hearth room. Dad just bought some biners for our Nalgene bottles (let me tell you, i was very excited)!!

When starting to pack simple questions come to mind:
What clothes will we wear?
What food will we eat?
But as the packing intensifies, well... so do the questions, and they don't stop "rolling in".
"where are we stopping, do we need lawn chairs, how are we going to get through mountain passes, why are we doing this, are we CRAZY?!?!?!!?"
It's all great...
So we got T-Shirts.... yes matching t-shirts for the whole family, yes Cousin Joanne there will be pictures, and lots of us matching.... wooo we are the biggest rednecks ever!


Anonymous said...

Is that a FULL case of Spam I see???

Boy, you must really be planning to rought it!

Uncle Mikey

ChristineElizabeth said...

oh Tay
you will be fine
i just wish i could go too!

TaylorMarie said...

I wish you could go too!!!
Could you imagine us going on a trip like that together!!?!??!

See you soon Uncle Mikey!

Unknown said...

Taylor, I am going to read your Blog.
We took an rv trip from hell with our family cross country with my parents also. It broke down twice and my dad was sure it was fine(It was his rv). We were trying to make a cruise out of Florida so we were on a time constraint. On the way home the toliet started seeping into the living area and the AC cut off. My parents told the kids to just pretend that they were in a covered wagon crossing the plains. We will never forget out trip and I am glad that you rented a new RV. Keep bloging.
The Fultons (Nancy)