Thursday, May 1, 2008

T minus: 23 Days 2 hours 9 minutes

I decided to blog.. yes dad, i know you've told me to start a million times, but i finally have.

23 days till the big RV trip... mom's freaking out, dad's a bit nervous i'm just worried about finals. It really hasn't hit me that this trip is actually going  to happen, yet in just 3 weeks i'll be sleeping on a table top and relieving my self in the tiniest bathroom you'll ever see...  It's kind of scary.

I am excited, don't get me wrong, i know the scenery will be amazing, i love my family and i know we'll have a great time, yet living in the HOW* just is a bit... unnerving... 

So i will probably get on later, when i actually have more time to blog, and update you on how we're preparing and all that great suff, but right now i'm going to sleep in my amazing bed, and enjoy my stationary room as much as possible!!!

*HOW stand for Hell On Wheels... thats what us kids named our RV!!  Mom and Dad approve, so the name just stuck!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I am SUPER SUPER pumped to go on this R.V. trip with H.O.W. (He** on wheels) YAY!
